

好消息! 临床心理健康咨询MAE项目现在 CACREP 认证!


学校咨询项目-选项1 & 2 are CAEP 认证! 


学校咨询选项2学生不再需要完成Praxis核心考试! Hooray! 
实习科目考试 所有学校辅导学生(选项1 & 2)必须通过实习辅导科目考试 #5422 毕业. 请不要注册#5421,因为它不再被接受背书. 如果你没有通过一次考试,ETS要求你有28天的等待期. Thus, 你必须安排在实习期间参加考试 at least one semester before graduation. 
CPCE退出考试 所有CMHC学生必须在毕业前通过CPCE考试. 截至2023年8月, candidates taking the CPCE will be allowed two attempts within the 6-month administration window. 如果您第一次尝试失败,您可以在第一次尝试30天后重新注册. 为了安全起见,确保我们毕业时能通过考试, 你必须安排在实习期间参加考试. 
SAKAI LMS内容 如果您以前使用SAKAI (Canvas之前的LMS)注册过课程, 请取回任何文件(如.e.(KPI作业或教学大纲). SAKAI的合同将于2024年6月结束,届时将无法使用以前的球场. 如有任何问题,请与你的导师联系. 
The CMHC & SC课程旨在为学生在内布拉斯加州的执照或认可做好准备. 如果你打算在内布拉斯加州以外的州申请执照或背书, 请检查州的许可委员会以确定许可要求. You may be required to complete additional coursework for licensure/endorsement or authorization before beginning a clinical or field experience. 如有任何问题,请与你的导师联系. NC-SARA

Counselor Education at Chadron State College offers an Online Master of Arts in Education (MAE) in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 and in School 咨询. The CACREP-认证 MAE in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 provides the academic coursework required for eligibility for licensure as a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP) in Nebraska. Likewise, the CAEP-认证 MAE in School 咨询 provides the academic coursework required for eligibility for endorsement as a School Counselor in Nebraska. 另外, we offer Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) approved graduate and undergraduate coursework leading to licensure as a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) in Nebraska. The programs and academic courses will prepare you to work professionally in various public and private 咨询 agencies or within elementary and secondary school settings.

We hope our completely online 认证 programs will meet your academic and professional goals as you embark on your chosen career as a professional counselor. 我们的网站和咨询 辅导员教育学生手册 会提供有关项目课程的信息吗, faculty, 性能结果, 项目和大学政策, 专业协会, 以及学生服务.


根据美国咨询协会(ACA), “专业咨询是一种专业关系,可以赋予不同的个人权力, families, 和团体来完成心理健康, wellness, education, 职业目标. Counselors work with clients on strategies to overcome obstacles and personal challenges that they are facing." (http://www.Counseling.org/aca-community/learn-about-Counseling/what-is-Counseling/overview).


根据美国学校辅导员协会的说法, “今天的学校辅导员是教育团队的重要成员. 他们在学业成就方面帮助所有学生, 个人/社会发展和职业发展, 确保今天的学生成为富有成效的人, 未来适应能力强的成年人. 了解更多 关于学校辅导员的角色.” (http://www.schoolcounselor.org/administrators/role-of-the-school-counselor).

The Counselor Education Clinical Mental Health program is currently seeking accreditation with CACREP.


开始你的旅程的第一步是申请入学 CSC研究生课程.


Upon 有条件的接受 进入CSC研究生课程, 你将被邀请完成一篇入学论文,以便被咨询项目录取. 请点击上面的链接获取可填写的论文表格. ♦ 请注意150字的最低字数 each 在7个问题提示中 ♦. 一旦提交并通过教师审核,您将收到录取决定的通知. 请联系 Dr. 凯瑟琳·伍兹 了解更多信息


一旦你被录取了, 你将在开学前观看一段新生介绍视频, or during, 你第一学期的课程. 在这里观看介绍视频. 你需要更详细的信息吗,联系人 Dr. 凯瑟琳·伍兹咨询项目主任.


The CSC Graduate School 咨询 degree program (MAE degree) is 认证 by the the Council for the 教育工作者准备认证(CAEP) 并得到内布拉斯加州的正式批准. The 教育工作者准备资格认证委员会 advances excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen PK-12 student learning. CAEP由高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)认可。.


The CSC Graduate Counselor Education Program MAE degrees are 认证 by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) to confer the residential Master of Arts in Education degree.


The CSC Graduate Counselor Education MAE degree in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 is CACREP 认证. CACREP认可咨询及其相关专业的硕士和博士学位课程 专业 这些课程是由美国和世界各地的学院和大学提供的.



辅导员教育积极招收各种背景的学生, 经历, 文化影响. 学院重视学生群体和整个社会的多样性. This commitment to and appreciation of individual differences can be found in all aspects of our program, 包括学生选拔和录取, 教师招聘, 课堂教学, 教材及教材, 临床实习与督导, 部门管理, 日常操作, 政策形成.

Counselor Education views recruiting and retaining a diverse group of students from the western High Plains as a major focus. 我们对多元化群体的定义很宽泛, 包括民族, racial, 文化认同和个人世界观, 性别认同, 性偏好, 年龄的差异, 以及各种残疾带来的挑战. 吸引和支持多元化的学生群体, 我们已采取多项措施,包括但不限于以下内容:

  • 灵活性
    我们的课程安排是为了满足不同的非传统学生群体的需求. Most of our courses are delivered in an online format to provide options for those students who may need to complete their program in stages or on a part-time basis.
  • 可购性
    Our tuition is highly competitive with other institutions in Nebraska and is significantly less than many online programs offered by private and for-profit institutions.
  • 金融支持
    我们学院提供财政援助计划(FAFSA)。, 哪一个对所有学生开放,不受歧视. Our 咨询 Program provides three graduate assistantships that cover tuition and provide a stipend. Assistantships are available for students enrolled in a graduate degree program and designed to provide opportunities for supervised educational 经历 at the graduate level.
  • 广告
    积极宣传我们的课程非常强调多样性. 该计划的网站和使命宣言强调了多样性.
  1. 该部门将重点培养来自不同文化背景的合适人选, enabling them to cultivate a robust professional counselor identity while demonstrating culturally sensitive knowledge, skills, 和性格.
  2. 采用合作教学法, the department faculty will integrate CACREP standards and the latest evidence-based and culturally appropriate research into the curriculum.
  3. 该部门将进行定期的项目评估, 吸纳咨询委员会会议的意见和建议, employers, faculty, 现在和过去的学生. This information will be assessed annually to enhance program evaluation efforts and will be integrated into the curriculum as deemed suitable.
  1. 职业定位与道德实践: 培养作为咨询师的职业身份, 表现出对咨询专业的理解, and demonstrate a willingness to provide 咨询 services within the ethical guidelines of the 咨询 profession.
  2. 社会和文化多样性: 表现出对社会和文化影响的理解, 权力和特权的影响, 以及异文化体验对咨询过程的影响.
  3. 人的成长与发展: Develop an understanding of 发展al aspects of human growth and appreciation for the nature of human 发展 and its integration within the 咨询 process.
  4. 职业发展: Develop an understanding of career 发展 and approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships between work, 精神健康, 以及心理咨询中的其他生活角色.
  5. 咨询和帮助关系: 获得重要的知识和主要咨询理论的应用. Identify effective individual 咨询 techniques that facilitate client growth and the ability to evaluate progress toward treatment goals.
  6. 小组辅导及小组工作: 发展对团体目的的经验和理论理解, 发展, dynamics, 心理咨询理论, 团体咨询的方法和技巧, 还有其他小组方法.
  7. 评估及测试: Gain knowledge and skills in assessment techniques and apply basic concepts to individual and group appraisal.
  8. 咨询研究和项目评估:培养阅读能力, critique, evaluate, 并为专业研究文献做出贡献.
  9. 临床心理健康方案: 确定的原则, models, 以及生物心理社会个案概念化和治疗计划的文件格式.
  10. 学校辅导项目: 发展一个模式来执行一个学校的辅导计划.